It is in your best financial interest to continue to meet your obligations if you have the means to do so. Interest, fees and insurance (where applicable) will continue to be charged for any deferral of payment.

Basic personal information

Please select type of identification

Is this a request for a first time payment holiday, or would you like to extend your existing payment holiday?

Whilst we are here to support you during this difficult time, please note that extending an existing payment holiday will have a much greater impact on your overall loan term and total cost of credit.

If you are a Small Business or Professional Banking customer, please select these in the options or contact your relationship banker directly for personalised assistance.

Please note that the minimum payment required on your card account has already been reduced from 5% to 2.5% for the duration of the relief period. This has been done automatically and will provide debt relief to our customers.

Do you still require further assistance with debt relief?

How can we assist you?


  • For the duration of your payment holiday, you will not be required to make any payments to us.
  • You will still be able to use your card up to your granted limit if your account conduct was in order.
  • Fees and interest will be charged at normal rates.
  • After the payment holiday, normal payments will resume.
  • Your payment holiday may not exceed 6 months in total.

Do you still require further assistance with debt relief?

How can we assist you?


  • For the duration of your payment holiday, you will not be required to make any payments to us.
  • You will still be able to use your card up to your granted limit if your account conduct was in order.
  • Fees and interest will be charged at normal rates.
  • After the payment holiday, normal payments will resume.
  • Your payment holiday may not exceed 6 months in total.

How can we assist you?


  • To catch up on missed payments, we will automatically restructure your home loan by extending the term to keep your instalment unchanged.
  • Interest and fees will continue to be charged.
  • Your payment holiday may not exceed 6 months in total.

How can we assist you?

How can we assist you?


  • The missed payments will be added to the end of your agreement term and will increase your instalment slightly.
  • All the terms and conditions of your agreement will remain unchanged and continue to apply.
  • Interest and fees will continue to be charged.
  • Your payment holiday may not exceed 6 months in total.

Due to your loss of income you may also qualify for Credit Life insurance. Please visit for more information on the required supporting documents, as well as the claims process.

Because you will not receive your full income during the Covid-19 lockdown, you may also qualify for a Credit Life insurance claim. 
Please visit for more information on the required supporting documents, as well as the claims process.

Because you have been retrenched, you may qualify for a Credit Life insurance claim. Please visit for more information on the required supporting documents, as well as the claims process.

How can we assist you?


  • We will contact you in this period to agree on an extended term of your loan or options to recover the owing payments during the original loan term.
  • Your debit order will be suspended, and reinstated after the relief period in accordance with your current salary date.
  • Interest, fees and insurance (if applicable) will still be charged on your account. 
  • Your payment holiday may not exceed 6 months in total.

How can we assist you?


  • We will contact you in this period to agree on an extended term of your loan or options to recover the owing payments during the original loan term.
  • Your stop order will be suspended, and reinstated after the relief period in accordance with your current salary date.
  • Interest, fees and insurance (if applicable) will still be charged on your account.
  • Your payment holiday may not exceed 6 months in total.

Terms and conditions


I confirm that I am not under debt counselling/administration/sequestration.I understand that each request for assistance will be assessed on its own merits and that completion of this request form is not a guarantee that the bank will grant the assistance requested.

Do you understand and accept the abovementioned terms?

Please note that you cannot continue if you have not accept the terms and conditions. Return to homepage